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Search results for: “travel”

Symptoms of Lung Disease

The symptoms of lung disease can sneak up on you over time and you might not recognize them when they first appear. Some people may think that they are struggling to breathe because of age or because they are out of shape, when in fact they are experiencing the early signs of lung disease. Lung […]

How the Respiratory System Works

What Is the Respiratory System? How Does It Work? Many of us take the respiratory system for granted, counting on our lungs to do the vital work of oxygenating our entire body. However, if you stop to think about how the oxygen gets from your lungs into your bloodstream, you might find yourself thinking, “How […]

About Lung Disease

If you have just found out that you have a lung disease of some kind, and that your ability to breathe is limited or impaired in some way, you probably have a lot of questions. Whether you knew this was coming or not, your diagnosis has likely introduced you to some new vocabulary  and information […]

Continuous Flow Portable Oxygen Concentrators vs Pulse Dose

When deciding what kind of oxygen concentrator is best for you, it is important to determine with your doctor what kind of oxygen delivery best meets your needs: pulse dose vs. continuous flow. Pulse Dose vs. Continuous Flow: The Difference[1] Pulse dose (PD) oxygen delivery is based on breathing and inhaling, which customizes your oxygen […]

Home vs. Portable Oxygen Concentrators

When you are first learning about oxygen concentrators, you may be wondering, “What is a portable oxygen concentrator, and how does it differ from a stationary oxygen concentrator?” Though both a portable oxygen concentrator (POC) and a home oxygen concentrator unit operate in largely the same way when it comes to how air is processed, […]

How Does an Oxygen Concentrator Work?

If your doctor has suggested that you or a loved one use an oxygen concentrator for your oxygen therapy treatments, you may be wondering, “What is an oxygen concentrator and how does an oxygen concentrator work?” The basic idea is simple: Oxygen concentrators are able to purify and concentrate the surrounding air to produce oxygen […]

History of Oxygen Concentrators

Have you ever wondered how today’s oxygen concentrators came to be? While the use of oxygen for medical purposes has been around since the 1800s, the use of modern day oxygen concentrator technology is fairly new. You might be surprised by the progression from early oxygen tanks that physically stored oxygen to modern day oxygen […]

What is Oxygen Therapy? (O2 Therapy)

What Is Oxygen Therapy or O2 Therapy? Oxygen therapy, sometimes referred to as O2 therapy, is a type of medical intervention that provides supplemental oxygen to people who are suffering from sudden or long-term health conditions. While oxygen is one of the most abundant gases in the universe and is essential to keeping our cells […]

About Inogen

Inogen, Inc. is a leading global medical technology company offering innovative respiratory products for use in the homecare setting. Inogen supports patient respiratory care by developing, manufacturing, and marketing innovative best-in-class portable oxygen concentrators used to deliver supplemental long-term oxygen therapy to patients suffering from chronic respiratory conditions. Inogen partners with patients, prescribers, home medical […]

Portable Oxygen Benefits

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.* This rings true when it comes to living with a lung disease that requires using supplemental oxygen. While getting used to using a small portable oxygen machine may take some adjustments, the advantages far outweigh any costs. Oxygen therapy provides many […]

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