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Oxygen Concentrator Reviews & Testimonials

Freedom With the Inogen One G4

Watch as Bruce talks about the freedom he has found with the Inogen One portable oxygen concentrator.

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Inogen Testimonial Video - Close Up on Inogen One G4 Portable Oxygen Concentrator
  • I love my new Inogen. I am more active & able to go more places because of it’s portability & lighter weight. It’s great. I love all the features.

    Linda M.

  • I am so happy with your product. No more hauling that tank around, afraid to go out of town for fear of not being able to get a refill. Just love it.

    Marty C.

  • Couldn’t be more satisfied. If not for Inogen I would not have been able to travel coast to coast and appear on a popular T.V. show. Inogen made it possible.

    Toni F.

  • I love my Inogen One. Easy to use. A very good product.

    Vicky P.

  • Of all the people I have dealt with, you are the most thoughtful and helpful. You have answered all my questions and made me feel comfortable in all ways. Thanks SO much!

    Dawson J.

  • I love your company. You adhere to the highest standards and hire the most courteous people. Thank you.

    Michelle M.

  • Great machine. Can go anywhere now.

    Robert C.B.

  • Nathen F - Inogen One Testimonial

    It is with great appreciation that we are writing to you regarding our experience of our purchase for the Inogen One. Your wonder staff was able to accommodate our son’s specific requirements…

    — Nathan F.

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    Nathen F - Inogen One Testimonial
    It is with great appreciation that we are writing to you regarding our experience of our purchase for the Inogen One. Your wonder staff was able to accommodate our son’s specific requirements... even more than we hoped for. Our son has been taking the Inogen One to school every day. This is great, since we never need to worry about running out of tanks. Nor do we have to be concerned about the hazard that so many oxygen tanks pose.In the past, our son was hardly able to ride his bike. When he did, we would hold the tank while we followed his bike. With the Inogen One’s compact size, we are able to place it in his bike’s wagon, giving him the independence that every child should have.Traveling has become easier too. We would lug a minimum of five tanks into the car to get us through the day. Now, with our Inogen One, some batteries and a car charger, we could last on the road for as long as we’d like.Again, we’d like to thank you for your dedication and expertise that enabled such a positive transformation.

    — Nathan F.

    The patient represented in this content is a paid consultant for Inogen, Inc. The opinions and experiences presented here are independently prepared and for informational purposes only.
    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means.
  • Nibs B - Inogen One Testimonial

    This is a picture of my 79 year old father at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs, Colorado (elevation is 6,800 feet)!

    — Nibs B.

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    Nibs B - Inogen One Testimonial
    This is a picture of my 79 year old father at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs, Colorado (elevation is 6,800 feet)! He takes his oxygen everywhere and never has a problem! It’s the greatest! And everywhere we go, people stop and ask him about it!

    — Nibs B.

    The patient represented in this content is a paid consultant for Inogen, Inc. The opinions and experiences presented here are independently prepared and for informational purposes only.
    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means.

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